not that that's a problem anyway.
but i am now addicted to kool-aid. ah, another american franchise that has come to fatten me up.
all the big fuss about 'kool-aid drinkers' as a racist term, i dont see whats the deal with that. i mean, i drink kool-aid, you drink kool-aid, britney spears drink kool-aid, obama drinks kool-aid. nothing wrong with that~
& after a few months being here, i beg to differ on people's general perception that Americans are racist. in fact, they're afraid of it. i mean, it's such a joy to see Americans so out-spoken & stuff, but when it comes to issues of racism they instantly shut up. no man, no worries.
[the most racist people you can ever find, are in fact asians.]
it's true! the only case of racism i can see around here are from the malaysian buddies that i hang out with. the only thing is we dont get creditted for it. i can look at a person and stereotype him/her instantly. look at ibans, i think sumpit & headhunting (mind you, im iban), i look at chinese, i think math & well, the buff ones made me think of kung-fu. looking at indians, i picture couples running around the trees & singing 30-minutes love songs. that is racism. and apparently ,that's just such an asian thing.
no, im not saying it's good. it's bad. but it's worse that Americans get called racist by other people who are so much more racist than them.
by the way, i had to honestly say, i was amused by some of the stereotypes that americans have on asians.
asians are, as some ignorant people say, only composed of the oriental community- mainly chinese, japanese, koreans, mongolians etc- and people like me, are undefined.
thankfully, i dont really care about that. haha
asians are also said to be Bad Drivers. well, obviously, THAT IS SO TRUE!
let me tell you the difference between american and asian drivers.
americans STOP at stop signs. asians merely STARE at the stop sign. (okay, pun to the' Stop and Stare' song)
americans smile at pedestrians who have to cross the road. asians curse at the pedestrians.
rushing americans still stop for pedestrians. rushing asians swerve their car to avoid the pedestrians & disrupt the traffic.
most amusing, however was what azelli said to me.
'to the americans, yellow light means go slowly & stop.
to the asians, yellow light means Go GO As Fast As You Can!"
and you, asians, still want to refute the fact we are bad drivers?
where does mat rempits come from? asia jugak.
to note, one day i was hanging around with my friends. & one of this guy had a bad experience with this asian driver, so out of rage he said 'stupid asian'. then he realized his blunder, so he said 'not malaysians!'.
i find that funny, so i pretended to be annoyed & retorted 'what do i look like to you? indian?'
only to realize, duh, india is in Asia.
stupid asian, me.
dont worry, he did feel better though, when i said 'ah you all white boys look the same to me.'
see, there, me being racist again.
hahhaha. i loveeee this post! got me giggling. the last guy i dated, people were like "babe, why are you with him? you're so fair and he's so.. NOT". lol. silly bah kan.
lol. see, we are racists!
no use denying it!
thx for enjoying the post!
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