

not referring to the act of using a flat, hot, possibly dangerous apparatus (aka the iron) to smoothen out the creases on a crumpled shirt. nor referring to anything that epitomizes the downey-jr superhero, iron man.


and more specifically, what was i talking about?

anyway, it's been long since i wrote my last post. & funny, since finally i had something worthwhile to blog about. sigh~

so ma gonna list it out here so i can remember

  • went to new orleans
  • got a's for my summer class. finally!
  • shell's impossible requirement
  • unexpected arrival of allowance
  • a new love for sushi. becoming a more complete embodiment of a japan maniac
  • unhealthy and overwhelming obsession for CW's supernatural
  • chemical plant fire in college station
  • new malaysian kids arriving in texas a&m!
  • deecee-philly trip
  • my 2nd rock concert! arghh

yep! lets start!

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